

Chance of Knowledge

Yesterday was an knowledgable day.

Started off early in the morning and headed out of town towards Chonburi.
The sky was gloomy. It was raining in the wrong season. But the sun was still shining through and we hope that tomorrow will be a better day.

A road to the country side. 45 minutes of non-stop music listening and a good talk with my mentor.
She's an incredible women: strong, wise and of course, funny as hell.
Advice for free, it was my day.

We arrive at a printing factory where I learned about Gravier (printing onto plastic), took a peek at the HUGE  printing machine, ooz with paint, black as a goo from Venom. The room filled with scent of paint and lacker.

We stopped by at a food factory to change the color of our new juice product. I wouldn't ever imagine that mixing food coloring and testing could be such a fun and LONG process.

But it was rewarding. There was a shelf, packed with bottles of all shape and size, filled with unidentify substances.



Spending quality time with my Spag

It was a chillaxing Monday afternoon.
There was puffy sheet of clouds above and slight beam of light shining through.

And I had tests.

The day was supposed to be use for study but it was so nice.

This is the outcome of such atmosphere.

1 hour of making and 1 hour of peaceful eating.
I had such a good old quality time with my special scrumpcious bowl of spag.


Popping my head out...hi

Greetings everyone!

Ok, first of all...I don't know why I'm blogging. It's an impulse, a sudden urge to write and to share. It's embarassing but one must confess that there were a gazillion attemts of trying to blog before. FAIL being the word with the lack of enthusiasm to keep the those blogs going.

But this will be different, I can feel the twinkly feeling.

So here I am blogging... once again.

Without futher ado here's me...

DEFINITION (approximately) OF ME:

- Black (but now brown) haired girl from Thailand.

- Quirky, nerdy, wordy




- Possibly or more than likely going to be an art blog.

- BUT, because of the incapability of this human being to stick to one thing for an extended period of time, expect randomness to erupt.

- Fooooooooooood is also one of my love, so foooooooooooooood will also be the thing I'll write about freaquently.

And here's me, popping my head out to this world with a wave and a smile

saying: ''hi''.